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Git commit-msg for Lighthouse tickets

Posted by Mon, 16 Feb 2009 18:51:00 GMT

A quick follow-up to a post from a few months ago on how our team has a naming convention for git branches when we’re working on Lighthouse tickets (read previous post).

I’ve just put together a quick git hook for commit-msg, which will automatically amend the commit message with the current ticket number when you’re following the branch naming conventions described here.

Just toss this gist into .git/hooks/commit-msg.


  # Will append the current Lighthouse ticket number to the commit message automatically
  # when you use the LH_* branch naming convention.
  # Drop into .git/hooks/commit-msg
  # chmod +x .git/hooks/commit-msg

  exec < /dev/tty

  ref=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null) || return

  if [[ $branch =~ LH_(.*) ]]

    echo "What is the state of ticket #${lighthouse_ticket}? " 
    echo "(o)pen " 
    echo "(h)old" 
    echo "(r)esolved" 
    echo "Enter the current state for #${lighthouse_ticket}: (o)" 


    read state_selection

    case $state_selection in
      "o" )
      "h" )
      "r" )
  echo >&2 "[#${lighthouse_ticket} state:${state}]" >> "$1" 
    exit 0

Then a quick example of how this works…

  ➜  bin git:(LH_9912 ♻ ) git ci -m "another test" 
  What is the state of this ticket? 
  Enter the current state: (o)
  Created commit 1ed2713: another test
   1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

Now to see this in action… (screenshot)

git message hook

Then we’ll check out the git log really quick.

➜  bin git:(LH_9912) git log
commit 1ed271323c4a054fe56e76bddc9ac81d241a1032
Author: Robby Russell <>
Date:   Mon Feb 16 12:06:33 2009 -0800

    another test
    [#9912 state:hold]

Thanks to Andy for helping me figure out how to read user input during a git hook.

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